Friday, April 29, 2005

my day off...

So, it's Friday, and I slept in till 8:30!! Yikes, that's late! Usually I get up around 7:00 on my days off, and 6:20 on school days. I don't like to "sleep in" in the sense that some people do (till like noon or 1:00, or even later). What's wrong with people? Only people that work night shift should do that! So, anyway, I'm meeting some friends up at the movie theater today at 1:00. I think we are going to see "Sin City", which I don't really want to see, but I really don't care as long as I get to hang out with my friends. We don't hang out a lot outside of school. Hopefully this summer I will see them more often. I may even have a graduation party or something. This is my last time to do crap without a huge amount of responsibility, which is scary and exciting at the same time...excary!! teheeheehee. So, after the movies, I don't know what I'll do. Maybe I'll go out to Presque Isle for a while or something. Not much to do in these parts. I didn't go to the library yesterday, so maybe I'll do that. I had to return this really good book that I was in the middle of, called "The Ice Limit." It was just getting really exciting and I had to return it. Usually I am finished with books by their due date, but I have been kind of busy lately. It's hard to read for pleasure when I have an assigned book for language arts to read by a certain time! We are now reading "Brave New World." It looks boring, but I haven't started it yet. Anyway, I wonder if Sar traveled all night last night. I should call that little bum and see. Ok, I'll update when I come back from executing my "exciting" plans for the day. TC


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