Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Wow, school's almost over...

So, I guess Friday is basically my last day! This is all too much to comprehend! We got our yearbooks yesterday morning, and I have been busy getting everybody to sign mine. I didn't realize how many people I actually know! I am getting a lot of my old teachers to sign also. So, I have mixed feelings about it's bitter sweet you know. On one hand, I'm really excited to be graduating and moving on to college! On the other hand, I will miss highschool and the people that I was able to meet and get to know! What a large poopstain on the rug (that was for you, Sar, and ultimately I guess Pfeifer :-P ). So last night was our excellence ceremony at Academy. I got my certificate. They give out departmental scholarships and I was hoping to get the world language one because that's like the only one that I would ever be qualified for, but this other girl got it instead! I was so sad, and to make matters worse, she threw it in my face later, which made me just plain angry. But hey, I didn't stoop to her level and just held my tongue. Then I felt better later because both Mrs. Pohl (my Spanish teacher) and Mrs. Amthor (my German teacher) said they had a really, really difficult time choosing who the scholarship should go to, and they said that it was between me, one other girl, and the girl that won. That made me happy. They were like "we really shouldn't be telling you this, but..." They are so nice, and they both like me. Mrs. Amthor was like, "I know that you'll be winning more awards later, anyway." That made me laugh. I'm going to miss them so much! I'm also going to miss my homeroom teacher, Mr. Zamp(erini)...HECK I'm gonna miss them all!! *SIGH* I will go back and visit them all, though. Well, I can't think of that right now cause it will make me sad! So, I have to call Sar tonight and tell her some news that will probably make her sad, cause it made me sad too!! BAAAH this sucks! I guess I should go cause mom wants to watch something on the tv. Well, later.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

where'd my brain go?

Well, it's Sunday, and we didn't go down home this weekend because mom has some kind of classes that she has to take. I am bored and sick. I feel better than I did last night, but I really feel out of my head is swimming in mucous or something. EWW I know, gross right. So Saturday morning I had to get up and do a parade with my JROTC peeps. We first went to the cemetary where they had a ceremony, so I had to be there by 8:45! I felt like crap because not only had I stayed up till about 1:00 the night before, but I was really feeling sick. What's more, I had to ride my bike (which on any other occasion would have been just fine) because mom had the car. After the parade I came home and slept. Then I rode my bike to the movie store and rented some movies, which was a big mistake. Last night I felt like my head was in a vice, and my sinuses were so full of crap I thought maybe my brain would be squished. I am just taking it easy today, but I am bored and I feel like I should be doing something. I should start thinking about what I am going to take down to NC this summer. I don't want to read, I don't want to watch movies...I don't want to do anything and yet I am sooooo bored. I hate this!! I wish I were not sick!! So prom was ok I guess. I am not big on those types of things, but I went mainly to hang out with my friends. Well, I think I'll go and do something now...I don't know what. Bye

Friday, May 20, 2005

Prom is tonight! yikes!

Yeah, I am pretty excited I guess. I was really pissed off though, because yesterday I began to feel the beginnings of a sore throat!!! I was like NOO!! That's the last thing I need right now!! So, I proceeded to take 2 echinacea pills yesterday as well as a vitamin C and some cold medicine. I was like "time to send in the troops!!!." Anyway, I didn't get much sleep last night on account of my throat hurting so very very much! So when I got up this morning, I drank 7, yes 7 cups of tea and took another dose of cold medicine and a vitamin C!! Needless to say, I was a little high on caffein for a while, but it helped my throat drastically and I can hardly feel it now. I was attempting to pee out the virus if I could because Aaron said he once had the beginnings of a cold and he drank a ton of tea, which must have effectively flushed out the cold. Anyway, I have been drinking cups of hot water with a little milk in them all day since I got home from school (got dismissed at 11:12 to prepare for prom). I think I have succeeded in flushing out most of my system...well, at least I have peed enough to do so :-P Yeah, I know, you think I am thoroughly weird and insane, but I DONT WANT TO BE SICK FOR PROM!!! I hardly feel my sore throat anymore though. So I am just sitting here waiting for 4:00 o clock to come. I have a hair appointment at 4:00, and I am nervous because I am so picky about how my hair looks and I'm worried that she won't fix it exactly as I want it. Well, I don't have anyone to impress so I suppose it doesn't really matter. I am going with a couple of my friends in their Limo...whoa, this will be a first! I've never even dreamed of riding in a Limo! Ummm...oh yeah, so I was looking for a sort of lacy wrap around thing to wear with my dress the other day and mom and I came upon this bolt of really pretty lace, and since I knew I wouldn't be able to find exactly what I wanted, we decided to cut a piece and use it. Don't worry, we didn't leave it with rough edges! We found this really pretty lace edging, and mom (being the expert seamstress of the world) sewed it on for me! I was really happy because I can't use the sewing machine worth crap. So, the end result is a beautiful lacy wrap that matches my dress wonderfully, all for a grand total of about $17.00! Now that's a deal considering we were going to go to the mall and look for one there, and I guarantee that if we had found one it would have been well above $25.00. I really should learn how to sew and use patterns and stuff because I should make my own clothes instead of buying the stupid, cheap store clothes that never fit right and are never exactly what I want. I bet it would be less expensive to make my own clothes in the long run than it is to go and buy a $30.00 pair of jeans or something. Yes, it's decided, I am going to learn how to sew. Muahahahah! So Sarah, you and I have got some working out to do this summer. Especially running. I suck at running! I can make a mile in about..hmm...10 minutes and 26 seconds! What the crap is that!! That's crappier than a 400 pound fat man can do it!! I suck! However, I can do a lot of pushups now, and situps are pretty easy for me too. My goal is to make a 7 minute mile, maybe even faster, and be able to keep that pace up for 2 miles. I know I can do this, I just don't know exactly how. So, my award ceremony was on Wednesday. I was presented with my ROTC scholarship and I got a medal and some other awards! I was so happy and excited that I could hardly sleep that night! Ok, enough talk for now!

Monday, May 16, 2005

monday after friday the 13th

So, I was just looking up some stuff on the internet about the Army. I have narrowed my desired career path down to either Military Intelligence or Signal Corps. I don't know which, but I will probably try to get into Military Intelligence, and more specifically HUMINT, in other words interrogations in which I will be able to use my language skills...muahhahahah! So, I found out yesterday that Grandma and Grandpa will be coming out for my graduation, and I had to really quickly reserve some more tickets. Good thing I found out soon enough because they may not have been able to go if it were any later! I think I accidentally reserved one too many tickets though...ooops. Oh well, maybe someone else will take it. Well, tomorrow I have to do the mile run for our JROTC PT test. Doesn't sound bad, does it? Until you find out that to get an 85% or above you have to run it in 8.15 minutes!!!!!!! I think I can run a mile in 10 minutes...HAHAH! I suck!! Anyway, I have been doing pushups and situps, and when Sarah sees the muscles on my arms, man will she fear!!! MUAHAHAHAH!!! MUSCLES!!! YES!!! I have been having regular meals consisting of protein, protein, oh and did I mention...MORE PROTEIN!!! MUAHAHAHAH!!! no, just kidding. Although, I have been having regular meals every day, and I lost 5 pounds!!! whoa!! COOL!! I'm going to gain it right back again with all this muscle though, but as long as it's not fat, I am happy. So I have a bowl of "Tiger Power" cereal in the morning (really good cereal with fiber, protein, and calcium), then for lunch I have a sandwich on rye with turkey, a little bit of mayo, and some lettuce and tomato. I usually have milk and fruit too...but my school provides measley helpings of both. Then for supper I either have steak or chicken with beans, corn, or peas, and sometimes a potato. Then I do my pushups and situps and there you buff, healthy EP...eventually!! HAH!! As long as I keep it up, I will be just fine when my real PT test comes around for ROTC. I am actually looking forward to it because without having really worked at it I can already get the minimum requirments in situps and pushups for the test. The only thing I will really have to work on this summer is running. I will recruit Sarah into an extensive training program for my moral support, MUAHAHAHA! Me go North Carolina and work out all summer, teeheeeheee. Anyway, I am way too hyper.
  • Wednesday = JROTC Award Ceremony (Gammer & Gaffer come up, and dad too)
  • Thursday = Field Trip with Spanish Club to Cleveland Museum and Zoo
  • Friday = PROM!
  • Saturday = Zoo Parade with JROTC ~ and in the evening hang out with friend, Amanda

I've never had so much going on in my life! Tonight mom and I are going to the store to see if we can find some flowers for my hair on Friday (I'm getting my hair done :-P), and I also wanted to find some kind of lacy shawl in case it is chilly, because my dress is...well, strapless and sleeveless, etc. Yeah, um, so I gotta go. Buh Bye!

Thursday, May 12, 2005


weee, it's Thursday afternoon. We have less than 3 weeks of school left! YES! So, I think I'm going to be spending the summer in NC with Sar! I'm excited! I only hope it will not be too oppressively hot and humid...~ I melt in heat. Tomorrow we have a physical test for JROTC. We have to run a mile and do a bunch of other stuff that we have been doing the whole year, but we have to get an 85 percent or above in each event to get the award for physical fitness. It's really hard to do, and I won't be able to get it, but I'll still do my best. Next Wednesday is the JROTC Award Ceremony& I wonder if I will be getting many awards...hmmm. Then the week after that is the Excellence Ceremony at Collegiate Academy..I guess they just give us our honor roll certificates or something. I went last year, but I forget. So, prom is coming up next Friday...yeeeks I don't think I'm going to like it because I am not a big party person unless it is with my family and close friends. I have almost solid events planned starting next week, it's insane!

  • 18th: JROTC Award Ceremony &
  • 20th: Prom C
  • 24th: Excellence Ceremony %
  • 27th - 30th: Maybe going to the Poconos to go on trail ride on Memorial Day? H
  • 31st - 1st: Senior Days at Camp Notre Dame Q
  • 2nd: Graduation - family here G
  • Going to NC with Sarah right after?

And through it all, I have to figure out my college stuff...OY VEY! I've never had so much going on in my life! Hopefully that's a good sign. HAH! Hopefully I can get a job this summer. I really need the money badly. I have no idea exactly how I am going to pay for room and board. But that's another story. Well, I should go do something, like my homework, or clean my room or something. Sitting here is boring, and my neck is beginning to hurt.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Well, I'm not in the greatest of moods right now. I just finished sorting through some of the forms sent to me by PHEAA and college, and I don't understand half of the things on there. Dad has to fill out some of them because, of course since mom will neither provide financial information nor help me in understanding any of this stuff because she doesn't support "the way I am going about this," I have to use dad's financial information. Our government is a stupid, control hungry, socialist regime. How dare them force me to fill out all of these forms when I don't even plan on taking their handout, for which they tax other hard-working citizens, and for which they will later tax the pants off of me! How dare them connect me to my parent's financial status when I am legally considered an adult! This is simply an outrage that cannot be stood for! All too many people have fallen into the communistic trap of today's system because opposition and alternative courses of action are so very very hard. But then, the price of freedom isn't free, is it. Mom thinks she can compare my actions with a child about to put her finger in a flame, and she stated that if she helped me with my college application process, it would be like aiding a child who is about to make a big mistake like that. Interesting, seeing as it would seem that such a statement depicts going to college as a "mistake," though I am sure she must be referring to the whole grant subject. My college application process is NOT all about a grant, so why won't she help me then? Well, such is life. I will figure out this confusing process on my own. I suppose it will build my skills for my future career. Heheh, a mistake. If only some people knew the repercussions of the mistakes they are making themselves. Our government will just keep taking more and more control over us...little by little, as the historical trend clearly shows. The more we give into the programs and services set up by our government that we know to be outside of its jurisdiction, the more it will control us. As if we aren't already controlled enough. Could almost be compared to Germany in the 1930s, when the people thought Hitler was the only way out of their economical ruin. Well, well, well, weren't they mistaken. And wouldn't you know, those who opposed were branded as foolish people making "mistakes." That is until the repercussions started to appear with a little more force than in the beginning. Yes, indeed Hitler took full control...of course this is an example of one person taking control of a country including its government. But in much the same way, governments can take control of the people...nice and easy maybe at first, then BOOM! there goes freedom. HAH. Anyway, people will probably think me crazy going on this rambling thought. Well, I suppose that's all for now. Have to do a couple of homeworky type things tonight and get my uniform ready for tomorrow.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

'Tis the weekend once again.

So, today we go down to the other house, hopefully soon. Mom takes a while to get herself moving, heheh. Jonathan and Jess, and Joel and Maggie are all planning on coming to my graduation, as well as Sar, so I am really happy about that. I have to call this coming Monday and reserve the extra tickets. I am almost done with Brave New World, so that's a good thing. When I've finished that, I can start reading other books for pleasure again. I never have time for other books when I have an assigned book to read. Well, not a whole lot has happened since I last wrote. We went to see "The Foreigner" last night at school. It was pretty funny, though I think their production of "Fiddler on the Roof" was much better. I will probably see Gammer and Gaffer this weekend, and of course Aaron. Dad is in New York this weekend so I won't see him. I need to call Sar and Dad because they both called me last night during the play when I had my cell off. Everybody always calls me either when I have my cell phone on silent mode or when I am not around to get it, or even the few times I have it off!! GRRR!! Well, I guess that's about all for now.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Friday...27 days!!

So, it's Friday finally. Today was pretty normal as far as school goes. It is finally warming up a little outside (finally!), so hopefully that trend will continue. I am probably going to go to our Spring play, "The Foreigner", tonight. It looks like it will be funny, and, as it is a comedy, it darn well better be! I have decided to finish my book assignment for language arts as soon as I possibly can so that I can get my essay assignment for it and get that over with, because pretty soon I am not even going to give a hoot about any essay! And get this, our essay is due on the day of prom, when most of the seniors will be getting out early anyway! What a pain in the buttocks! Nobody is going to be thinking about essays!! So, our teacher said we could finish the book whenever we wanted to, and come and get our essay assignment. That is, therefore, what I am going to do. So, I'll have read the book and done my essay, and we will still be going over the darn thing in class for those people who are sticking to the original schedule. How boring. Oh well, I think there are going to be a lot of long, boring days before the end of school, just because we are all so ready to get out of highschool for the rest of our lives! Well, anyway that's about it for today I guess. I have no homework for this weekend (imagine that!!), so I am pretty happy that I can just laze around and relax. Well, sort of. Ok, bye 4 now.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Thursday...28 days!!! :-D

Today has been a pretty good day. I took 3 tests today, and I didn't really study for any of them, but I think I did alright on them. Anymore, studying is like...blah. SENIORITIS!! So, anyway, I got more crap from college that I have reply to. I am really confused about all this college crap! It's all so bloody confusing! Anyway, we have an award ceremony on the 18th for JROTC, and I am excited because I think I may possibly get some more ribbons and maybe even a medal, but I am not sure about the medal. Then the next week is the Excellence Ceremony at my school where we get any of our awards or scholarships presented to us. My scholarship is being presented at the JROTC award ceremony on the 18th though. Captain Kidd (HAHAH I know what you're thinking, "what..captain Kidd? HAHAHAH," that's really his name though, and when you see him all thought of laughter vanishes cause you realize he could crush you with his little finger) is coming up to present it to me formally, so I am pretty excited about that, though I am a bit nervous too! Well, I have a movie to watch, since I got all of my homework done and had my din din...mmmm chicken and corn and sweet potatos!! I also have to do my regular dose of pushups, yay!! No really, it is rather fun. Ok, buh bye! :-P

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Wednesday...29 days till graduation!!!

So, I just got home from school about 45 minutes ago. What a boring day!! We did boring nothingnesses in all of my classes. I am really getting me :-/ So, I sent out a quick e-mail this morning about my graduation to all everyone. Hopefully Sar can come at least...(I know you will be reading this :-P). Anyhow, I have to get my uniform ready for tomorrow (class A uniforms tomorrow), and study for a test. I also have to write two paragraphs about situations in a movie we were watching in JROTC. GRRR!! I hate homework!! Then after that, I have to do my German homework, and study for a honking huge Spanish test that I have tomorrow! I wouldn't have to study if it had anything to do with grammar, but no, unfortunately it's a bunch of Spanish culture that I really couldn't give a hoot about (dates, people, places, events concerning the spanish speaking world, etc. UGH!!). Then I have to finish my Physics homework (fun fun fun :-D), and that won't be all that bad because I love Physics. SO many things to do! We are reading Brave New World in language arts, and it is a boring and perverted book. I hate being forced to read useless SHIT. ehem, anyway...umm...oh yeah, I also have to do a load of Gov/Econ homework sometime between now and Friday. Weeee. I should really be working right now instead of writing this blog. Oh well, I'll get it done soon enough. It's really funny because I sometimes think that for all the times I procrastinate, I always somehow perform the miracle of actually getting my assignments done and receiving a good grade on most of them. Even when it's the very last minute, I always somehow get it done. I don't really know how to this day. That holds true especially to essays for language arts because I always put them off (since I hate language arts and the essay topics we are given to write about). Well, I really should get to work now. Later!

Monday, May 02, 2005

blah, school

So, it's Monday. I had a test today that I was not ready for in Economics. We always have essays on our Gov/Econ tests, and our teacher always tells us what they are going to be, but I still always end up learning them right before the test in the 5 minutes we get to look over our notes. HAH! I add stress to my own life, I guess. We had an assembly today about graduation and prom. I am really getting excited about graduating! This is going to be a step in the "it's all finally paying off" process. They sent the seniors a letter telling us all the info we need to know, and whether we are on the Honor Roll for our whole high school career or not. It will come tomorrow. I hope I am, but since I blew off my freshman year, I am not sure how it will average out. Sometimes one bad grade can skew the whole distribution and make a low average. Listen to me, talking all statistics shit. I HATE STATISTICS!! Yeah, so anyway. I am going to make an appointment to get my hair done for prom :-/ I've never had my hair done professionally before, but I decided I would pamper myself since this is my last year of high school. My friend's aunt can do my hair for $20.00, so I need to make an appointment soon before she gets booked for the whole day. I think that most of the school district's proms are on that Friday night, so everyone and their mother will be getting their hair done on that afternoon. Well, ok maybe not their mother, tehheeheee. I am not really looking forward to prom, sadly. My one...acquaintance wants me to go with her in her limo, but I really do NOT want to go with her because she is a slut and she is immature and obnoxious. I don't want to associate myself with people like that. ARGH! What am I supposed to do?!?! Well, I guess I'll figure that out later. Anyway, I think that's all for now. TC