Saturday, April 30, 2005


So, it's Saturday morning, and I slept in again! This time till almost 9:00!! I'm getting too lazy for my own good. I talked to Eric this morning briefly, so that I could get Meg's address and to see how they were doing. He is sick with a cold (ick, worst thing to have in spring). We are getting ready to go down to the other house for the weekend. Have to stop at the library first because it was closed yesterday when I stopped, and we must return some videos before Monday. I went to the movies with my friends yesterday and ended up watching two movies. I never do that!! I never go to the theater either, because it is so expensive. We watched "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (don't see it, it is pointless and stupid), and "Kung Fu Hustle," which was kind of cool since it was a Chinese film, and they are usually pretty neat (Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon type thing). Just sent out my mathematics placement form to college, so they can decide what my hideous required math course will be. If I could just understand math, I would love it; but as it stands, it frustrates me like nothing else because my brain just doesn't get it. Anyway, I will probably see Gammer and Gaffer this weekend. Maybe Aaron and I will stop down at Lords' Tobacco and say hi to Dan. Normal weekend stuff. I am going to get that book back out of the library that I didn't finish reading, which is kind of dangerous because I have a reading assignment to do for language arts, and so I will have to use some self control. Well, gotta go. TC

Friday, April 29, 2005

my day off...

So, it's Friday, and I slept in till 8:30!! Yikes, that's late! Usually I get up around 7:00 on my days off, and 6:20 on school days. I don't like to "sleep in" in the sense that some people do (till like noon or 1:00, or even later). What's wrong with people? Only people that work night shift should do that! So, anyway, I'm meeting some friends up at the movie theater today at 1:00. I think we are going to see "Sin City", which I don't really want to see, but I really don't care as long as I get to hang out with my friends. We don't hang out a lot outside of school. Hopefully this summer I will see them more often. I may even have a graduation party or something. This is my last time to do crap without a huge amount of responsibility, which is scary and exciting at the same time...excary!! teheeheehee. So, after the movies, I don't know what I'll do. Maybe I'll go out to Presque Isle for a while or something. Not much to do in these parts. I didn't go to the library yesterday, so maybe I'll do that. I had to return this really good book that I was in the middle of, called "The Ice Limit." It was just getting really exciting and I had to return it. Usually I am finished with books by their due date, but I have been kind of busy lately. It's hard to read for pleasure when I have an assigned book for language arts to read by a certain time! We are now reading "Brave New World." It looks boring, but I haven't started it yet. Anyway, I wonder if Sar traveled all night last night. I should call that little bum and see. Ok, I'll update when I come back from executing my "exciting" plans for the day. TC

Thursday, April 28, 2005


Well, it's certainly been a while since I've paid any heed to this old thing! Yeah, I think currently I have like four blogs on account of me forgetting passwords and user names for all of them and creating new ones, which I then never use! Wow! Anyway, maybe I will start writing stuff now, since I have a few things to write about now that I am about to graduate and stuff. Even though I still don't have a life, I have a couple more exciting things to say now than I did before...kind of. If not, I will just say crap about things that have happened to me throughout the day, like my blog says, heh. Today I had an early dismissal at school (1:00 o clock) WOOHOO!! And I have tomorrow off! YES!! I think I am going to the movies with some of my friends tomorrow, if mom will let me borrow her car :-/ Maybe we will go see "Sin City" which, to be quite honest, I have no interest in, but my one friend seems to want to see it, so that's a possibility. I don't know yet though. My friend Johanna is supposed to call me tonight to make plans. Get this, There are only 34 days till graduation!!! That means that I only have 10 A-day classes and 10 B-day classes left in the whole year...IN MY LIFE!!! WOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I'm going to college!!! I'm joining the Army!!! I'm going to be an officer!!!! So, that was just an excited rave that I sometimes succumb to. Anyway, nobody is going to be reading this unless I tell Sar about it...hmmm...maybe I should tell that bum about it. She's the one who started me doing this blog thing in the first place, not that I really "started doing" anything, heheh. I wonder if she is in NC yet. That was today that she was supposed to be moving! That's insane!! No more San Antonio TX for me {:-( I'm going to miss visiting down there, even though I only went twice!! I'm going to miss Jen, too!! I bet Sarah will really miss Jen a lot, and Danielle, too!! How crappy and good it is to move and change things, all rolled into one. It's like a crappood fest...ummm...yeah, maybe I should warn you, I make up words at random whenever I happen to be able to combine two words together in some way, shape, or form. One of my ingenious word inventions of which I am especially proud of is "nastusting"! Isn't it brilliant? It's a mixture of nasty and disgusting for the ultimate effect!! If something is really, extremely gross, just say it is nastusting. :-) I am really too weird to be writing on this internet thing...really too weird. I think I am probably among the weirdest people in the world...naturally in a good way though. Well...if it can be in a good way! What I mean to say is I am not perverted weird, I'm just weird weird. Ok, I'm being weird now. Ehem, so that'll be enough for today I should think. Maybe I'll write more later. TC